Wholesale Plant Library

Ipheion uniflorum 'Mixture'

Spring Starflowers
Arching foliage and a short upright stem support a dainty star-like flower.
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Ipomoea batatas 'Bayou Belle'

Sweet Potato
Sweet Potato shoots and young leaves are edible and are considered a tasty vegetable in many parts of the world. In addition, the fast-growing, beautiful vines make an effective ground cover, especially in perennial locations.
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Ipomoea batatas 'Covington'

Sweet Potato
Sweet Potato shoots and young leaves are edible and are considered a tasty vegetable in many parts of the world. In addition, the fast-growing, beautiful vines make an effective ground cover, especially in perennial locations. Yields very large tubers.
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Iris cristata

Dwarf Crested Iris
Colors range through various shades of blue through purple to white.
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Iris germanica 'Bernice's Legacy'

Bearded Iris
Upright spiky clumps support showy blooms.
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Iris germanica 'Clarence'

Bearded Iris
Upright spiky clumps support showy blooms.
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Iris germanica 'Concertina'

Bearded Iris
Upright spiky clumps support showy blooms.
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Iris germanica 'Harvest of Memories'

Bearded Iris
Upright spiky clumps support showy blooms.
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Iris germanica 'His Royal Highness'

Bearded Iris
Upright spiky clumps support showy blooms.
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Iris germanica 'Invitation'

Bearded Iris
Upright spiky clumps support showy blooms.
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Iris germanica 'Pink Attraction'

Bearded Iris
Upright spiky clumps support showy blooms.
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Iris germanica 'Victoria Falls'

Bearded Iris
Upright spiky clumps support showy blooms.
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Iris histrioides 'Katharine Hodgkin'

Dwarf Iris
Dwarf Iris are famous for big flowers on tiny plants.
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Iris hollandica 'Apollo'

Dutch Iris
Upright stems support this florist favorite.
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Iris hollandica 'Carmen'

Dutch Iris
Upright stems support this florist favorite.
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Iris hollandica 'Dutch Iris Mixture'

Dutch Iris
Upright stems support this florist favorite.
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Iris hollandica 'Eye of the Tiger'

Dutch Iris
Upright stems support this florist favorite.
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Iris hollandica 'Lion King'

Dutch Iris
Upright stems support this florist favorite.
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Iris hollandica 'Pink Panther'

Dutch Iris
Upright stems support this florist favorite.
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Iris hollandica 'Sapphire Beauty'

Dutch Iris
Upright stems support this florist favorite.
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Iris hollandica 'Tiger Iris Mixture'

Dutch Iris
Upright stems support this florist favorite.
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Iris hollandica 'Yellow Queen'

Dutch Iris
Upright stems support this florist favorite.
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Iris reticulata 'Clairette'

Dwarf Iris
Dwarf Iris are famous for big flowers on tiny plants.
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Iris reticulata 'Dark Blue'

Dwarf Iris
Dwarf Iris are famous for big flowers on tiny plants.
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Iris reticulata & danfordiae 'Dwarf Iris Mixture'

Dwarf Iris
Dwarf Iris are famous for big flowers on tiny plants.
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Iris sibirica 'Blue King'

Siberian Iris
Flowers are deep violet-purple blooms with black veining with white and yellow throats.
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Iris sibirica 'Butter & Sugar'

Siberian Iris
Creamy white standards and pale buttery falls with greenish veins.
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Iris sibirica 'Mixture'

Siberian Iris
Flowers are deep violet-purple blooms with black veining and white and yellow throats.
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Ixia hybrid 'Mixture'

Wand Flower
Tall flower spikes with star-like flowers.
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