Our designs have a proven track record for promoting sales
We know from experience that packaging is important in helping garden centers increase their sales. That's why Netherland Bulb Company provides excellent promotional tools to create price impression and volume sales.
Traditional Bin Boxes
- Large selection for total “non big box” store look.
- Allows for larger and more expensive bulbs, such as Alliums,
Fritillarias, & Daffodils that don't fit "one price fits all" model.
- Allows customer more flexibility in choosing number of bulbs
per variety.
- All tear tags have unique UPC codes and as well as group
price code for easier retail pricing.
Convenient Packages
- Large selection, far greater than the big box stores.
- Standard retail price point for all packages for accurate check out and inventory control.
- Pre-designed colorful combos takes the guess work out of garden design.
For seasonal planting tips and all things bulbs, visit